If you want to be healthy, learn to listen to your body.
One of the things helping me to recover from paralysis (see the previous blog,  How I over came paralysis) is my knowledge of my own body. From years of studying martial arts, running and exercise I have learned how different things affect my body. Certain foods increase my energy level and others reduce it. My mental attitude also effects my energy level as well as my resistance to things like colds an the flu. I remember my father in law suffered from congestive heart failure and during recovery he lost weight and commented on how much better he felt. He talked about how he thought that the way he felt was how people felt when they got old, it wasn’t until he lost weight and got healthy that hr realized it wasn’t old age but an unhealthy life style that made him feel bad.
We live in a time when there are an infinite amount of distractions in our lives, the Internet, Ipods, unlimited entertainment, jobs that require longer work  hours to keep, 24 hour news and much more. Eating becomes a second thought something we do while we do other things such as driving, working and watching TV. you know multitasking. Who has time to think about diet, nutrition, exercise and sleep?  Ask the people you work with how they are feeling and you will get no end of complaints, back pain, can’t sleep, no energy, type two diabetes, sore joints, migraines, arthritis and the list goes on. In fact you’ll find it hard to find someone who feels good and if you do, usually they are someone who eats healthy and exercises. This isn’t a coincidence.
listening to your body starts with unplugging from daily distractions. Spend a few minutes alone without any distractions, ask yourself some questions, Do I have energy? Do I feel tired? Does anything hurt, such as joints or back. Is my thinking sharp or do I have a hard time concentrating. Move around, can I touch my toes or do I feel stiff. These might seem like silly questions but many of us never stop to take the time for a self evaluation.
Many ailments that afflict people as they begin getting older are lifestyle related and I’m not talking about senior citizens, I mean people in their thirties. Even if you have illnesses that are hereditary, eating healthy and exercising can help reduce the effects of many diseases. Quality of life is more important than longevity, would you rather live to sixty enjoying good health the whole time or to seventy but spend the last ten years of your life uncomfortable, in pain, taking medications that dull the mind and body, unable to do the things you like that makes life worth living? It actually doesn’t have to be an either or choice you can live your life healthy, full of energy and enjoying the things you like to do, you just have to listen to your body and do what it tells you to.
You can start by sitting in a chair, not a soft lounging chair but a straight backed chair like a dining chair. Close your eyes and concentrate on your body, where does the chair touch you, how does it feel. The seat, if it’s cushioned, will feel different against your body than the arms if they are wood. Then listen to your surroundings, what do you hear, are cars passing by, maybe children are playing or an airplane is going by. All of these things will begin to make you aware of yourself and your surroundings, it’s called being mindful or being in the present. If your mind wanders bring it back to the exercise, this will increase your ability to concentrate and improve focus. Try doing this in different surroundings, outside is fantastic because you have wind blowing and the sun going behind clouds changing the temperature of your skin.  The sounds you hear outside will also be different, there are animal sounds, nature sounds such as water and wind and man made sounds all of which you can use to concentrate on.
So how does this help you to be healthy? Once you become aware of your body and how different outside forces affect it, you can then become aware of your state of health. You will feel it more when you walk a short distance and realise you are out of breath. When you eat bad food you will notice the change in your energy level and how it effects your mood. Unhealthy food makes you crave more because your body hasn’t gotten the nutrients it needs and will want to keep eating until it does. If you have aches and pains you will be better able to pinpoint the cause of them from being in tune with your body. When I have trouble sleeping I use this technique to focus my mind by feeling myself lying in bed, how does the mattress feel? Where are the covers touching my body, is it warm or cold, what position are my limbs in, etc. Eventually I fall asleep without all the tossing and turning.
Exercises such as Tai Chi and Yoga are great at helping you become mindful and self aware they also strengthen the bones and muscles, increase balance and keep the body limber and supple. You can find classes almost anywhere these days, check the phone book or internet. You can also find meditation classes that can help you delve deeper into the mind body connection if you want to further in this direction.